Friday, 29 July 2016

Two Pineapples and a new drag outfit for Joe

Loyal followers of this blog (and you must be loyal, because I'm rubbish at keeping it up to date!) may remember me posting the blister packs of the ABC Warriors that I bought at BOYL2014 (see HERE).

Well, in that post I said that I bought two Joe's because I was going to convert one to be in drag in homage to the iconic image when Joe accepts Khaos in the awesome Khronicles of Khaos.

Two years later and....

Pineapples - A natural part of drag

For those that are interested, here some WIP pics showing the process:

First step was to reposition both arms, remove the right hand and file its remnants from the gun.

At this point I decided that it wouldn't be drag with a set of killer heels. 
et voila 

Add some leather boots....

...with a zip of course. 

Suspenders, basque and garter cam next.

Then the cloak, with a break half way through to sculpt the missing hand.

Then continuing to build the cloak in several stages.

The cloak took about 5 sittings, to avoid continually pushing previous parts out of place.

Fur lining to finish.

some smoothing.

This is just a shot of the hood.

Front view ready for painting.

And the rear.

The finished product - FRONT

The finished product - REAR

The whole process was supported with criticism and advice from my fellow Creepers from the Scale Creep blog. These guys are not afraid to tell you when things need a bit of attention and I'm sure that this project would not have been so successful without their abuse support.

One final shot of the conversion and inspiration, just to make the post look complete:

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